New Year’s


Dec 31 / 8pm

Jan 1 / 3pm


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“...freshly captured here by the skilled American period-instrument forces of Boston Baroque under Martin Pearlman. The acoustic is resonant, the playing in the symphony is deft and lively.”

The Observer


This program of Baroque sparklers is the perfect way to celebrate the end of one year, and to ring in the next. And what Baroque feast would be complete without a complimentary champagne toast and chocolates?

In addition to two Bach masterpieces—the Concerto in D for Three Violins and the Orchestral Suite No. 4 in D—hear soprano Maggie Finnegan in the glittering Vivaldi motet, “Nulla in mundo pax sincera.” The program also includes Corelli’s Concerto Grosso in F, No. 6 and a stunning French Baroque orchestral suite by Rameau.

Music Director Martin Pearlman conducts Boston Baroque’s orchestra.

Merry. Celebratory.

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1h 50m
(with intermission)
Concerts begin at 8pm on December 31 and 3pm on January 1.


The Program

Concerto Grosso, Opus 6, No. 6 in F

Concerto in D for three violins
Orchestral Suite No. 4 in D

Motet, “Nulla in mundo pax sincera”

Suite from Platée


There are no pre-concert lectures for this program.

What you will hear

Boston Baroque recordings are used when possible.